Capture the Moments: Establishing Simple & Meaningful Habits

If there is one thing that I have been focusing on as I grow older, it is creating simple and meaningful habits. We are born creatures of habit and even if we wish it otherwise it is an impossibility to do so. Think about it, without even trying we establish for ourselves a sense of normalcy, things that we do each day to bring about stability or comfort and which helps our mood and creates energy and motivation to accomplish the day to day tasks. For example, think of such habits as your daily cup of coffee or tea, watching your favourite show each evening, journaling, playing music as soon as you wake, slow mornings with family before work, etc. We all create habits and I wish to capture each moment, to savour each simple thing that brings a sense of comfort and of stillness, and to revel in all the things that force me to slow down and just breathe. In today's post, I wish to share some of the habits I believe have helped me towards this goal and though I in no certain way, accomplish them every day and in any certain order, they are nice to look forward to and make me smile as well as providing motivation to do my best in all my daily tasks. 

Screen Time Boundaries ~
I am in no way going to tell you that I am a master at this. I, like most of us, find myself glued to the lit screen for hours at end, fingers endlessly swiping or tapping away. However, if there is one thing that makes more of a difference than others it is this, create a limit for "screen time." I find that the more I spend with my phone in my hand or computer on my lap, the less I get done, the inability to stay focused or motivated, and an endless amount of headaches and uncertain moods. It has been my endeavour to put aside a time where I am unable to touch my phone. I have made myself leave at least thirty minutes to an hour in the morning after waking and the same in the evening pass before picking my phone up and it has made a world of difference. Indeed, the longer I leave my phone alone, the less motivated I am to pick ut up and I often find myself doing other and more creative things than the endless swiping and tapping. 

Chapter A Day ~ 
I used to be the girl whose nose was ever stuck in the pages of some novel, who carried a book in her purse, and who would rather sit and read than go to parties and walk a film. Times have changed and though my undying love for reading and changed little, I find it harder and harder to set aside the needed time. However, I have found that my soul craves knowledge and inspiration and that when I read I never feel more alive. I recommend finding a time that works for you where you sit down, perhaps with a cup of something hot or even while waiting for the bus, and read at least one chapter. Being an avid bibliophile, one chapter easily becomes twenty, but for those of you who find reading hard or time scarce, a chapter can do a world of good. It allows our brains to work harder and smarter, to relax from the stress of the day today, and I find that I feel tremendously more inspired than ever before. 

A Cup of Something Hot~
If you have met me for but a moment, it is unlikely you will not come away knowing at least a little about my love of tea. I feel as if part of my has been lost or that I am in the throws of some sort of withdrawal if a day passes without this sweet beverage. In my opinion, coffee (which I love almost as well) if for the tastebuds, a friendly outing, a morning wakeup call, but tea...tea if for the soul. There is no doubt about it when I am having a rough day, I drink tea. Rain, snow, sun, bad days, good days, tea fits the bill for all. There is nothing in this world more comforting or more reassuring than a good, hot cup of tea. Now, perhaps you disagree, which is understandable, tea is not for everyone. Let us consider that just a cup of something hot and cosy can make the crazy world around us seem a little less like a monster jumping down our throat and into something a little more manageable and friendly. Global pandemic playing games with your mood, I prescribe a cosy moment spent sipping your cup of tea, coffee, matcha latte, or any hot beverage of your choice and watch the stress melt away- for a little while at least. 


No Screen Meals~
Perhaps the "set aside time away from your phone" seems a bit similar to this, but I find that meals spent talking to family or simply just enjoying your meal is such a worthwhile habit. For one, it allows you to actually enjoy and taste your food instead of simply inhaling it. 

Write Your Thoughts~
I am a writer at heart and words flow from my brain at an alarming rate. It is almost painful to stifle my ideas and so I am almost forced to write them down. It is not something I regret and indeed, I stress that it is almost necessary to write down your thoughts. If you are not a writer nor a perfectionist, but just need to vent than just grab a piece of paper or the note app on your phone, and thought dump. Vent, rage, sorrow, despair, something you saw or something you felt that made you happy, simply writing it down feels amazing.

I find this one the hardest of all. I hate working out and I know "hate" is a strong word, but it is true. Unfortunately, it is extremely good for you and makes the world of difference in both your physical and mental health. I was determined to find a way of moving each day that I could actually enjoy. I found that yoga and pilates were both solutions, with the occasional walking of my dog. Find a way of moving that works for you, it doesn't need to be a twenty-mile run or weight lifting at the gym, just something raises your heart rate each day and gets you off the couch. 

An Evening Ritual~
I don't know about you, but life to me can appear some times hectic and overwhelming. To help me unwind and refocus each day, I have been trying to establish some sort of evening ritual. For me, nothing is more perfect than a hot cup of tea and a crisp piece of dark chocolate. I love turning my phone off, curling up in a cosy, wool blanket and slowly sipping my cup of tea and it seems that with each sip, any worries or stresses of the day seem to fade away. I recommend finding something similar that works for you whether that would be an evening bath, soaking your feet, cooking dinner, a glass of wine, or a slow walk around your neighbourhood. 

Be Grateful~
Colossians 3:15-20 "And let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in one body. And be thankful. Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual song, with thankfulness in your hearts to God. And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name, of the Lord Jesus, giving thank yo God the Father through him."

At the end of the day, every good and perfect gift is from the Lord and we need to acknowledge this each day. Remember to take a moment to thank God for all that He has blessed us with big or small. Thank Him for the sunshine or for the rain, for that hot cup of tea or coffee, the piece of chocolate, the loved one at home, anything that made you smile... 

"The aim of life is appreciation; 
there is no sense in not appreciating things, and there is no sense in having more of them if you have less appreciation of them." 
~ G. K. Chesterton


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