Spring Reading List 2020
During these moments spent at home, I have been trying to read as much as possible. I used to be that girl that would always be in the corner with her nose stuck in a book. I never left the house without shoving whatever was the nearest novel into my purse, so that it couldn't even close. I never was the first child to the table for dinner, the last to come out of my room in the morning, and the only one who hid under her covers with a flashlight or phone light far after 'lights out' were demanded. I lived through my books, everything was far more exciting and worthwhile in books that in real life.
However, people grow up and times change and by the time I started community college, I found myself reading less and less. I excused myself by telling myself that I didn't have the time, I had too many things I needed to read for school, etc. Then those times got darker and darker and my mood and mental health spiralled downwards and I didn't really pick up a book for two years. What was the point? I miserably told myself that there was no reason to read stories that could never come true. I was stuck in the "real world" and no amount of book reading could change that.
Those times passed and though I still had those days where I felt I could not get out of bed and that nothing was worth it, the days grew steadily easier and my desire to stuff my nose into paperback heaven once again came upon me. Since the 'stay at home' order and the outbreak of Covid-19, I have been reading more than ever. It has been one of the many simple things that keep me sane during these strange and unprecedented times. I have found so much joy from reading and appreciating the gift of being able to, more than ever.
I posted about my desire to create a 'book club\review' of sorts on Instagram this week. I would love to give you guys the opportunity to read along with me during this time and to tell me about your thoughts on the books. I want to create a space to read, chat, and talk about the simple things that have been keeping us happy and content during the quarantine. Down below I have provided a small list of the books I plan on reading this spring. They are in no particular order except for the first three, which I have already completed. I will be posting on Instagram the exact order of my reading list as I go along. I will also be posting small reviews or small musings on the books as I finish them. I would love to hear from about what books you are reading or your thoughts on the books I am reading. I hope you are all doing well and I wish you a lovely weekend.
(feel free to tag me if you are reading along with me and finish a book at the same time as me. I would love to hear how you loved\disliked the book! @welliesandtea)
Spring Book List
- The Black Moth by Georgette Heyer
- The Fisherman's Lady by George MacDonald
-These Old Shades by Georgette Heyer
-The Haunted Hotel by Wilkie Collins
-Phantases by George MacDonald
-The Singing Sands by Josephine Tey
-Sir Nigel by Sir Authur Conan Doyle
-The Gurnsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society by Mary Ann Shaffer
-Sandition by Jane Austen
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