Snowy Nature Study

Goodness, how time flies! I am sure it was just the other day that I sat down to write and now I see it has been over a month. Winter still has her icy grip upon us, though today saw the sun make his appearance. There is about an inch or even two at parts, of snow on the ground, though, with today's glorious sunshine, every drop of moisture has turned to ice and my morning walk turned into an ice skating adventure, a desperate fight to stay upright rather than a leisurely stroll. I will not complain as it was quite amusing and glorious to have sun and dare I say, even a measure of warmth after so many gloomy, frigid days where the sky is more fog and gray smoke than blue. The pond has frozen over and it is as if there was a mirror looking up into heaven, reflecting its surrounding with a powdered, though glossy blurriness - like staring at the sun for too long and then attempting to read something. 

There were so many birds, though often hidden in the trees or scurrying away at the sound of my shoe sliding across the ice. I saw pawprints too, though I am sure that they were those of the friendly dogs which so often explore these paths. It makes me dearly long for my own furry friend, Tosh, even though she is perhaps the worst dog in the world when it comes to walking.


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